Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Little notes on April so far...

  • April is my birthday month. Yay to me! ;) Actually, I've been feeling rather old and young at the same time lately... not sure how that's possible, but it's true. Thinking about my age makes me feel old... and how easy I get tired / sore lately makes me feel old.. but I am rather naive (and so I feel immature / young)
  • In the lines of feeling old - my wrist is sore... and I don't remember what I did yesterday to make them sore! The only thing I remember doing is shaking a pen to see if it will write better ... and I did play some Wii... if either of those were the cause, I am old. (-_-;;;
  • I'm addicted to Super Mario Galaxy (Wii)... I'm playing it when I get the chance. I suck at specialty worlds - like the ghost mansions, frozen worlds, sandy deserts, bee worlds... *sigh*
  • It's finally getting warm~! I found this winter harder than any other winters - getting buried in snow to catch a streetcar (because they don't shovel snow around the stops), walking in crazy snowstorms / wind / sidewalks that are not plowed yet (I get that around where I live) etc. etc. etc... I'm sooo glad snow is finally gone.
  • Baseball season started - woo, I can smell summer! Yes, my hubby is glued to the tv for the NHL playoffs...but every now and then I get to check the baseball scores!