TTC Strike! Ugghhh!!!
At around 2:45pm this afternoon (friday, of all days), the TTC union announced that they will be withdrawing their services as of Monday morning. Monday bloody morning! They announce that they are going on strike, but they don't go on strike this weekend, they want to strike on Monday? Gawd, just to piss off hard working Torontonians who need to commute to work.
Seriously, if they are going on strike, I would much rather they try to have the strike so that it would not disrupt too many people who has nothing to do with the problems between the TTC owners and TTC workers. WE pay for the TTC. A LOT. I don't think we need to be punished for their problems.
I have so much negative feelings about the TTC these days. I mean, for years, I have had problems with the TTC. They don't care if people smoke at the bus waiting area of the station (where it's clearly marked that there's a fine). The constant delays. Never knowing when the bus / trains would come. Their problems in the mornings when the trains are running slow but they don't let the public know what's wrong. Constant bickering about how they don't get any money. Rude bus drivers.
Okay, I side tracked... I hope the strike doesn't last too long, because they are pretty much taking away my freedom. I need to reschedule my life around needing a ride or waiting for a ride. I am sooo against strikes. I wish they make striking illegal for necessities, such as garbage (a few years ago), doctors and nurses, and transportation.... maybe hockey too. ;)
Strikes basically affects many people to get what they want. It reminds me of a kid who'd whine and cry so they can get that lollipop at the store.
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