I'm still alive! It's been a while...
It's been a while since I've wrote here. Lately I just don't get the urge to write? I'm not sure why, but I guess there's just no time to think about what to write here anymore. The longer I stay away from writing, the harder it is to start writing again.
It's also harder 'cause I don't get much time in front of the computer alone anymore - and it's distracting with people around. ;)
I've been sick most of February. Cold is going around the office, and people are dropping like flies. It doesn't help that I gave my cold to the hubby now so he's sick as well. I've taken 2 days off because of the cold. I've recovered enough to work now, but still caughing like crazy. Hack hack hack. Hopefully I'm better by Saturday so that I don't spread my cold to my friends at the party... not to mention I won't be able to drink with my throat hurtin' so much! ;)
I've been bummed lately because one of the writers I liked reading on a website online has passed away. It's not like I knew the writer or anything, I mean, I just know what he wrote online. He was younger than me, and I guess he had some sort of medical condition - whatever the case, it still bummed me out. This guy happen to be using his own name and was writing for a company that has many writers - so there was a way for me to find out what had happened to him. I guess in that sense, he was lucky. Most people won't get that chance. Many people online write annonymously or use a nickname. A website can just go without being updated, and then disappear into thin air.
Soo... in any case... I haven't been updating for a while, it's been about 3 months since my last post - but made me think that I should update every now and then to let everyone know that I'm alive... though only a handful read here. I'm tired and I'm spent, but I am alive. :)
Hey hey,
I will be back to TO sometime in spring! :)
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